
nchugojg 2024-04-28 11:27:03


In the first half, China's banking regulator released regulations on interbank business, wealth management business and off-balance sheet activities, a move to encourage funds to shift to the real economy.


In the Mexican city of Matamoros, across from Brownsville, the rains shook tents in a refugee camp housing an estimated 1,300 asylum seekers, including newborns and elderly people, who have been waiting for months for court dates under a US immigration policy informally known as "Remain in Mexico."

In the first five months of 2017, 4.51 million sedans were sold while SUV sales reached 3.78 million units.


In the area of education, the number of students who dropped out of their compulsory education, which covers primary school and junior high school, in the country's 832 national-level impoverished counties dropped by 267,000.

In the first 10 months, total new social financing reached 19.41 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.21 trillion yuan from the same period last year.

In the film, Raymond's speech impediment leads him to pronounce his name as Rain Man, a term that would later be adopted by the general public to refer to people with autism. And China is no stranger to the word.


In the first three months, gold bar sales plunged 27.58 percent year on year to 73.28 tonnes, according to data from the China Gold Association.

In the foreseeable future, the official import channel may be fully open to Vietnamese firms. The two governments have been seriously discussing about an agreement to allow imports of farm products from Vietnam to China.


In the UK, Bikeplus has developed accreditation criteria that includes a clause on "ethical pricing".

In the Northwest oilfield near the boundary of the Taklimakan Desert, where the environment is extremely fragile, oil sludge - one of the major toxic by-products encountered during drilling - has been transformed into uncontaminated soil that can be used to pave roads, thanks to a series of eco-friendly technologies.

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